Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Something more to my liking

I was updating on a band that i've been listening to for quite a long while now and i realized that i pretty much love all of their album artwork. That is until their most recent one. I really question their thought process or at least their artist's thought process.

Here's a few of their album covers from oldest to newest. They have waaayyy too many for me to post them all, i still need to collect all their cds.

And finally......BAM!.....what is this?!?!

Why are there so many colours? Why is it so cartoony?
I'm afraid to listen to it because if this is any indication that they've changed their style of music then its definitely not something to look forward to.
They've lost that fierce look, that look for something deeper in their music. Now they just look like a band craving for attention. I'm not jumping the bandwaggon, i'm just saying that their choice of album art is to be questioned, if their music is still the same heavy metal i grew to love then i will continue listening.

1 comment:

Jessica Tong said...

the last one is cool dude! it's like that really scary kid's story where the kid goes into the forest and there are heaps of monsters which have hairy pointy ears like that...but then i think he makes friends with them or soemthing. can't remember